My Cicerone Journey: Michelle Aldama
Michelle Aldama is a Certified Cicerone located in Ensenada Mexico. Here she shares how her Cicerone certification journey helps with her daily roles and has shaped her experience in the industry.
What’s your current role, and how does being an Certified Cicerone help you with it?
Currently, I am the beverage manager at a tap room, and having the knowledge of a Certified Cicerone has helped me enhance my customer service and broaden my expertise in the draught system, which is my favorite area. I enjoy disassembling the equipment, installing it, and finding solutions when there are issues with dispensing beer.
Could you tell us about the beginning of your journey in beer education? What hooked you in?
My knowledge was very limited; to me, only commercial beer existed. One day, at Pizza Port San Diego, I tried the saison des seins, and I loved it. I was so hooked that later on, I started working at a homebrewing equipment and supplies store.
Are there any study techniques you’ve found helpful that you’d like to share?
I made countless notes, naming each beer style with its vital statistics until I learned them by heart. I carried my flashcards everywhere, and on the wall of my room I put up sheets with specific information that I struggled to remember.
How would you characterize the beer scene in Mexico at the moment? Are there any notable trends or unique events happening?
In Mexico, the most consumed type of beer is commercial beer; however, I can say that craft beer is steadily growing. It is very common to have new customers in the tap room. In my state, a couple of beer festivals are held annually, one of them being the Ensenada Beer Fest, which is the largest in the country.
Are there any beer styles that are trending among local breweries right now?
Yes, hazy beers are the most popular, and lately, lagers are being produced in greater volume.
What is one piece of advice you would share with someone trying to start in the beer industry in Mexico?
Of course, I would encourage them to study. I would show them how accessible it is to find information such as books, magazines, blogs, courses, etc., and how important it is to have more qualified people as the market continues to grow.
Cicerone Certification Program
Founded in 2007, the Cicerone program conducts examinations of beer knowledge for certification at four levels. Thousands of people who work for breweries, beer wholesalers, restaurants, bars, liquor stores and grocery stores have completed one or more levels of the certification program in the past year. Doing so demonstrates knowledge of beer keeping and service, beer styles, flavors, brewing process and ingredients and beer and food pairing.
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